June 2, 2021 The Lengths and the Limits of Love Is Christ’s love ethic relevant in a time of war? Given that love is as much a part of the problem as a solution,…
June 1, 2021 The Brightest and Best Commentary on Religion One of the most helpful sources of news about religion: RealClearReligion is a catch-all source for religion stories, opinion and controversy. Everyday the RealClearReligion…
November 4, 2020 What is Sin What is Sin? Contrary to popular understanding, sin does not consist of a catalogue of “bad behavior,” rather it is a state of being;…
November 3, 2020 Election Day Sermon It’s an old American custom to preach, on election day, a sermon about our responsibilities as citizens before we go to the polls. So…
November 2, 2020 Faith Based Politics? What Would a Faith Based Politics Actually Look Like? Given the invocation of the name of God in political campaigns, especially during a presidential…
October 25, 2020 Going to Hell in a Handbasket Going to Hell In a Handbasket It is a colorful phrase. For large numbers of people in the US, it powerfully depicts where we…
October 20, 2020 Abraham Lincoln’s God Abraham Lincoln’s God During a presidential election year, when politicians tend to invoke the name of God for partisan purposes, or “explain” various tragedies…
September 26, 2020 Why People Lie About Their Faith Sociologists have been aware for many years that people lie when asked about their sex life, finances, and sometimes their politics. It is perhaps…
July 5, 2020 Christians Celebrate Science Christians Celebrate Science Listening to the news media or following Facebook of late, one might well come to the conclusion that there is a…
September 11, 2018 God and the Hurricanes God and the Hurricanes Does God control the path of hurricanes as they threaten the coast of the US each fall? As one tracks…