January 31, 2023 The Paradox of Valentine’s Day It is a strange holiday indeed that turns our thoughts towards love, and most often, romantic love, but at the same time bears the…
January 31, 2023 Humor for My Valentine To My Valentine, The Most Beautiful Woman in the World And other recent additions to our humor page
January 31, 2023 Prayer for Valentine’s Day Check out our collection of Prayers for the One you Love on Valentine’s Day. Prayers for My Valentine
June 2, 2021 Love and Sex The Complete Biblical Guide To Love and Sex In the midst of our current culture wars about homosexuality and other hot button topics, with…
June 2, 2021 The Lengths and the Limits of Love Is Christ’s love ethic relevant in a time of war? Given that love is as much a part of the problem as a solution,…
January 24, 2021 Celebrating Valentine’s Day 2021 “All the world needs now is love, sweet love,” wrote the songwriter. But what kind of love is required for the living of these…
November 11, 2020 Christian Humor: Honk if you Love Jesus Grandma’s Letter Honk if you love Jesus … and other humor at the GodWeb. Contrary to popular opinion, Christian humor is not an oxymoron…
February 10, 2019 Better Lovers? Do Christians Make Better Lovers? As Valentine’s Day approaches, we’d all like a little more love in our lives. Young or old, single or…
March 23, 2017 Looking Ahead: Mother’s Day 2017 Will the real Mother’s Day Please Stand Up? Many people see Mother’s Day as a secular holiday, designed by the greeting card industry, promoted…
May 21, 2016 Sin? What is Sin? Contrary to popular understanding, sin does not consist of a catalogue of “bad behavior,” rather it is a state of being;…