September 11, 2023 The Lengths and the Limits of Love “All the world needs now is love, sweet, love.” the songwriter opined. Of course, the great religious traditions don’t claim that love is the…
July 6, 2023 Religions of the World What are the largest religions of the world? What are their membership statistics, relative size, locations, rankings? Find out now simply by looking at…
August 8, 2022 Prayers for Peace In a time of terror and war, prayers for peace arise from the lips of citizens in all countries and from adherents of all…
October 16, 2020 Diwali: Hinduism’s most popular holiday Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, is the most popular of all the festivals from South Asia. It is also an occasion for celebration…
June 5, 2018 What Is Hinduism? What is Hinduism? Can a religion that affirms thousands, perhaps millions, of different gods and goddesses be considered compatible with Christianity? The answer is…
June 19, 2017 Christianity for Grown Ups Adult Christianity “When I was a child, I thought like a child … but as an adult, I put away childish things.” The Apostle…
May 5, 2016 Is Heaven Real? What is Heaven? There are at least four major strands of thought in the Bible and in Christian tradition contributing to contemporary notions of…