The Christian Cross

The cross is one of the earliest and  most widely used Christian symbols. It represents Christianity in general and  the crucifixion in particular. A great variety of crosses has evolved, with leading  examples illustrated here. With the possible exception of the face and figure of Jesus, the cross is the preeminent symbol of Christianity.  For our catalogue of Christian crosses.

About the author

Charles is a Presbyterian minister, writer, editor, activist, publisher and public theologian.


  1. I have an old Christian cross that is around 3 inches in length. A British Royal Consultant on Portable Antiquties believes it is possibly of the late Viking Period (late 10th to early 12th centuries). I’ve been trying for a number of years to find out about it. One of the parts has a P & X on the back. How might I get someone with knowledge to look at the photos?

    Thank, you.

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