March 2, 2016 Prayers for All Occasions Check Them Out Now See especially our latest: Birthday Prayers
February 25, 2015 Funeral Prayers Prayers, Readings, Poetry, Familiar Quotations which you might find helpful in planning a funeral or memorial service.
July 14, 2013 Bedtime Prayers and More … Our most popular page: Prayers for Children And while you are thinking about prayer, you also might be interested in … Books About…
June 25, 2013 Prayers for All Occasions Our mega index of prayers for all occasions …. weddings, funerals, holidays, special occasions and not so special ones. Read more.
May 27, 2012 Remembering Those Who Have Died In addition to parades and picnics, let’s say a prayer for those who have died in Afghanistan. This is a list of US fatalities,…
February 4, 2011 President Obama’s State of the Soul Address President Obama’s speech at the recent National Prayer Breakfast in Washington was one of the best, if not the best, speech by an American…
December 28, 2010 God4Sale God4Sale Now that the Internet has become a marketplace as much as a medium of communication, there’s a gold rush in progress, as people…