September 11, 2023 The Lengths and the Limits of Love “All the world needs now is love, sweet, love.” the songwriter opined. Of course, the great religious traditions don’t claim that love is the…
July 6, 2023 Religions of the World What are the largest religions of the world? What are their membership statistics, relative size, locations, rankings? Find out now simply by looking at…
June 1, 2021 The Brightest and Best Commentary on Religion One of the most helpful sources of news about religion: RealClearReligion is a catch-all source for religion stories, opinion and controversy. Everyday the RealClearReligion…
August 21, 2018 What is Islam? We are constantly updating our series on the major religions of the world and their relationship to Christianity. Given its prominence in the news,…
June 5, 2018 What Is Hinduism? What is Hinduism? Can a religion that affirms thousands, perhaps millions, of different gods and goddesses be considered compatible with Christianity? The answer is…
July 21, 2015 The Future of Progressive Christianity The Future of Progressive Christianity Gary Dorrien is the Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York. He is…
January 28, 2015 What is the Date of Easter in 2015 The date of Easter in 2015 is April 5th for most Protestants and Catholics. This year for Eastern Orthodox Christians it is April 12. For…
March 24, 2014 Bethlehem Surrounded Bethlehem Surrounded The first thing any visitor notices when visiting Bethlehem today is the wall completely separating it from Israel … providing security for Israelis…
June 8, 2013 Top Books about Islam Need to know more about Islam than simply the date of a holiday …. we have the essential information about one of the world’s…