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Topics that start with E

Earth 51:20, 51:48, 91:6 Earthquake 7:78, 7:91, 7:155, 7:171, 16:26, 17:37, 17:68, 29:37, 34:9, 67:16, 69:5, 99:1

Ecology (see also conservation)

  • earth has been spread for all living things 55:10
Elephant 105:1

Elijah 6:85, 37:123-130 (Idris?)

Elisha 6:86, 38:48

Embryology 22:5, 23:14, 35:11, 40:67, 75:37-39

Envy (see materialism)

Evil Evolution (?) 71:14, 71:18

Ezra 9:30