In chapter 13 of his resounding
first letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul writes: "When I was a child,
I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I
became an adult, I gave up childish ways." Adult Christianity. Paul doesn't spell
out with much detail the differences he sees between "childish ways" of thinking
and the ways that are appropriate to maturity, but his words are provocative.
They prompt me to ask: What are the characteristics of a childish, as opposed
to a fully developed, mature form of the faith?
Let me
suggest that faith development follows much the same trajectory as moral, intellectual,
or psychological development. There are certain qualities of mind that are characteristic
of a child, others more often associated with adolescence, and others that belong
to the adult. What are these respective qualities? Children, in my experience
enjoy a good story. Tell a wonderful story, and they will listen, spellbound.
God. Santa Clause. The Easter Bunny. All these are readily and eagerly believed.
Where do babies come from? A child will accept the story that the new baby in
the household has been delivered by a stork. Why not? The mental image of a bird
flying through the sky with an infant swinging from a diaper is so clear. Jesus
walking on water.... Fairy God Mother.... Angels, monsters, demons. The world
of the child is populated with strange and wonderful beings, all readily believed.
then there comes a time of disillusionment. There is no Santa! One's parents have
actually been telling lies! And if Santa, the Easter bunny, the stork and even
fairy God Mother are fakes...what about Jesus? What credibility is there to the
story that this world was created by a just and loving God? Is this, too, one
of those comforting tales of early childhood that is exposed as a falsehood in
later life? You can do all the right things, obey all the rules, accept all the
teachings of the church, and still end up dead, or out of luck, early on in life,
through no fault of your own. So what's the point of it all? And who can you trust?
Adolescents, in my experience, react to this disillusionment in many different
ways. But there are some common themes. Are the stories of childhood false? Are
the rules articulated by parents and other grown-ups purely arbitrary? Well, then,
why not break all the rules. Question parental authority. Rebel! Drugging and
drinking aren't as bad as the adult propaganda says! Try them and see.
another, seemly different reaction that adolescents often take. Replace the false
stories of early childhood with ones that are TRUE. Replace arbitrary rules imposed
by hypocritical parents with passionate conviction held with evangelical zeal!
Drop out of your parents' hide bound church, which is filled with gray haired,
elderly men and women listening to sober organ music. Join a new church where
there's a rock band on stage! Something solid to believe in. A conversion experience.
A full and unfettered commitment to the Lord. Thank you, Jesus, I've been born
Then there comes a time when both the rebel's anger and
the evangelical's zeal are tempered. When one has children of one's own, one begins
to appreciate how complicated life can get...and fast! One finds that evangelical
zeal doesn't ease a complicated relationship with a co-worker, colleague, or next
door neighbor. Faced by any of the major challenges of adult life, the mature
person of faith realizes that one needs all the help one can get. A trusted friend,
the professional assistance of a doctor, self-help books, continuing education
courses, an inspirational sermon. Things are no longer black or white, true or
false, right or wrong. The real decisions are hard! How many children can one
afford to have? The answers to such questions can be found neither on M-TV
nor within the pages of the Bible. The real mind benders require ample quantities
of knowledge, critical thinking, and self-awareness. Sometimes one has
to entertain ideas that seem incompatible and even contradictory. After
all, how can one get along with a boss whom one doesn't respect, a colleague whose
religious beliefs seem totally off the wall, or paying taxes to a government one
can neither understand or control? Even more difficult, how can one reconcile
oneself to the realization that one's personal decisions have caused harm to others?
Among the qualities of character that make for maturity, I find,
are these: a deep sense of self-awareness, humor, healthy skepticism, appreciation
for people who are very different than oneself, patience, the capacity to cope
with complexity. These are some of the things which, added to a child-like
trust, and youthful idealism, make for a maturity of faith. Of course, the
apostle Paul was not promoting maturity for its own sake. He had his priorities
clear. "Faith, hope and love abide, these three. But the greatest of these
is love." Maturity of faith can ultimately be measured, not by an IQ test,
or examination of one's orthodoxy. The real test is whether faith serves that
far larger, wider, and ultimate purpose: love. Does faith draw one into
closer relationships with other people, with the world, and finally with God?
If so, then it is indeed, exactly the sort of faith that Paul had in mind when
he wrote: "When I became an adult, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in
a mirror, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully,
even as I have been fully understood. So faith, hope, love abide, these
three, but the greatest of these is love."
Welcome to the world
of an adult Christianity!
Charles Henderson
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The Rev. Charles P. Henderson is a Presbyterian minister and is the author of God and Science (John Knox Press, 1986).
A revised and expanded version of the book is appearing here. God and Science (Hypertext Edition,
He is also editor of a new book, featuring articles by world class scientists and theologians, and illustrating the leading views on the relationship between science and religion: Faith, Science and the Future (CrossCurrents Press, 2017).
Charles also tracks the boundry between the virtual and the real at his blog: Next World Design, focusing on the mediation of art, science and spirituality in the metaverse.