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A Dictionary of Christian Theology
Biblical citations in this document are from the King James Version of the Bible
In reading or learning about Christianity, one encounters numerous words that are not often found in common usage. There is no better way to learn what these words mean than a good dictionary of theology. Most of the words you'll need to know as you become familiar with the faith are defined here ... and probably many you won't need to know. These definitions have been adapted from "Baker's Dictionary of Theology," ed. E. Harrison, (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan), 1960. Definitions have been significantly edited and revised by Charles Henderson in light of more recent scholarship and to reflect ongoing conversation between and among Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians.

A.D. - A priori - Abaddon - Absolution - Abyss - Active Obedience - Adiaphora - Adoptionism - Advent - Agnosticism - Albigenses - Amillennialism - Anabaptists - Angel - Animism - Annihilationism - Anthropic Principle - Anthropomorphic - Antichrist - Antinomianism - Apocalypse - Apocrypha - Apollyon - Apologetics - Apollinarianism - Apostasy - Apostle - Apparition - Archangel - Argument from Design - Argumentum ad hominem - Argumentum ad judicium - Argumentu m ad populum - Argumentum ad verecundiam - Ark of the Covenant - Arianism - Armageddon - Arminianism - Ascended Master -Ascension - Assumption - Assurance - Astral Projection - Astrology - Atheism - Atonement - Aura - Autograph - Autonomy

Baal - Babel - Babel, Tower of - Baptism - Baptismal Regeneration - Bible - Blasphemy - Book of Life - Born Again - Bride of Christ

C.E. - Caesar - Calvary - Calvinism - Canon - Capital punishment - Capital sins - Catholic - Causality -
Cessationism - Chakra - ChannelingCharismatic Gifts - Chiliasm - Charity - Cherub/Cherubim - Christ - Christian - Christology - Church - Circumcision - Cities of refuge - Clergy - Codex - Common Grace - Communicatio idiomatum - Communion - Condemnation - Conditional immortality - Confession - Confessional - Confirmation - Congregation - Consubstantiation - Contrition - Conversion - Conviction - Coptic - Corban - Cosmological argument - Cosmology - Covenant - Covenant Theology - Creation - Creationism - Cross - Cult

Damnation - Deacons - Death - Decalogue - Decrees, of God - Deduction - Deism - Deity - Demon - Deontology - Depravity - Determinism - Devil - Dialectic - Diaspora - Dichotomy - Didache - Didactics - Disciple - Diocese - Dispensation(alism) - Divination - Divinity - Docetism - Doctrine - Dogma - Donatism - Dowsing - Dualism

Ecclesiology - Edify - Efficacy - Eisegesis - Elect, Election - Empiricism - Epistemology - Eschatology - Eternal life - Eternal Security - Ethics - Eucharist - Eunuch - Eutychianism - Evil - Evolution - Excommunication - Exegesis - Existentialism - Expiation

Faith - Fall, The - False Prophet, (The) - Falsifiability - Fast, Fasting - Fatalism - Fellowship - Fideism - Filioque - Firstborn - Forgiveness - Fool - Foreknow, Foreknowledge - Free will - Freethinker

Gehenna - Gentile - Gifts, Spiritual Gifts - Gnosticism - God - Gods, False - Gospel - Grace - Guilt

Hades - Hamartiology - Heaven - Hedonism - Hell - Henotheism - Heresy - Heterodoxy - Higher Self - Holy, Holiness - Holy Orders - Holy Spirit - Holy Water - Homiletics - Humanism - Humility - Hypostatic Union

Idol, Idolatry - Immaculate Conception - Image of God - Immutability - Impute, Imputation - Immortality - In facto - In fieri - Incarnation - Induction - Indulgence - Inerrancy - Infant baptism - InfidelInfinity - Infralapsarianism - Inspiration - Intermediate state

Jehovah - Jesus - Jesus Only Movement - Jews - Judgment - Just, Justice - Justify, Justification   

Karma - Karma -
Kenosis - Kingdom of God     

- Law - Law of non-contradiction - Laying on of hands - Liberalism - Limited atonement - Logic - Logos - Lord's Supper -

Man - Manuscript - Materialism - Martyr - Mass - Means of Grace - Mediation, Mediator - Mercy - Messiah - Metaphysics - Millennium - Minuscule - Miracle - Modalism - Monarchianism - Monergism - Monism - Monolatry - Monophycitism - Monotheism 
- Moral government theology - Mormonism - Mortal Sin

Naturalism - Naturalistic evolutionNeo-orthodoxy - Nestorianism - Nun

Objectivism - Occam's Razor - Occult - Omnipotence - Omnipresence - Omniscience - Ontological Argument - Ontology - Oracles - Ordination - Ordo salutis - Original Sin - Orthodoxy

Panentheism - Pantheism - Papyrus - Parable - Paradise - Parapsychology - Parousia - Pascals Wager - Pedobaptism - Pelagianism - Penance - Pentateuch - Pentecost - Permissive decree - Perseverance - Person - Philosophy - Pharisee - Pluralism - Pneumatology - Polytheism - Pope - Postmillennialism - Postmodernism - Pragmatism - Prayer - Pre-Adamites - Pre-existence - Predestine, Predestination - Premillennialism - Preterition - Priest - Prophet - Propitiation - Purgatory    

Rapture - Rationalism - Reconcile, Reconciliation - Redemption - Regeneration - Reincarnation - Relativism - Religion - Repentance - Resurrection - RevelationRighteousness - Rosary

Sacerdotalism - Sacrament - Sadducee - Salvation - Sanctify, Sanctification - Sanhedrin - Scholasticism - Scriptures - Second Coming, The - Septuagint, The - Sin - Skepticism - Sola Fide - Sola Gratia - Sola Scriptura - Son of God - SoteriologySoul Sleep - Sovereignty - Spiritual Gifts - Subjectivism - Supralapsarianism - Synagogue - Synergism - Synoptic Gospels 

Tabernacle - Teleological argument - Teleology - Temptation - Testament - Tetragrammaton - Theism - Theodicy - Theology - Theophany - Tithe - Total Depravity - Transcendence - Transfiguration - Transubstantiation - Tribulation, The - Trichotomy - Trinity - Tritheism - Type, Typology   

Uncial - Unitarianism - Universalism

Vellum - Venial Sin - Vicarious Atonement

Word, The - Worship - Wrath

YHWH - Yin and Yang -
Yoga - Zodiac


Charles Henderson

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The Rev. Charles P. Henderson is a Presbyterian minister and is the author of God and Science (John Knox Press, 1986).  
A revised and expanded version of the book is appearing here.
God and Science (Hypertext Edition, 2015).
He is also editor of a new book, featuring articles by world class scientists and theologians, and illustrating the leading views on the relationship between science and religion:
Faith, Science and the Future (CrossCurrents Press, 2017).

Charles also tracks the boundry between the virtual and the real at his blog: Next World Design, focusing on the mediation of art, science and spirituality in the metaverse.  

For more information about Charles Henderson.
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