any word, phrase, name, date, or passage in the Bible. Remember only part of the
passage you are looking for? No problem. You can find it in a few simple steps.
Right Click on this link to the Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
But wait! Before continuing, read on.
2. Once
the RSV search window appears, click on the hyperlink for "Simple Search."
3. Decide
whether you want to search the entire Bible or limit your search to just the Old
or New Testament.
4. Make the appropriate selection
using the pull down menu.
5. Type a word or
phrase in the search window.
6. Hit the "Search"
7. You will now see a list of passages
where your word or phrase occurs.
8. Choose
the appropriate hyperlink to read the entire chapter in which your word or phrase
9. You can now right click with your
cursor in the widow where the relevant passage appears.
10. Choose
"Print" to print the entire chapter.
11. Choose
"Select All" to copy the chapter into a text editor or other program.
12. Alternatively,
left click and hold your mouse button down while dragging your cursor over the
text you'd like to highlight
13. Using the
"Edit" drop down menu, you can now "Copy" the selected quotation
into a word processing program.
- This simple technique
is actually a very powerful research tool.
- By printing out the entire
list of passages where a particular word or phrase occurs, and reading them all,
you will have a much deeper understanding of the meaning of the particular passage
where your word or phrase occurs.