January 5, 2010 Should Tiger Become a Jew? Or what? The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Best F**king News Team Ever – Tiger Woods’ Faith www.thedailyshow.com…
August 5, 2009 Catholics and Health Care Reform Catholic Leaders Urge Congress to Pass Health Care Reform Catholic social justice leaders are urging Congress to put aside ideological and partisan agendas to…
September 21, 2006 Who Would Jesus Torture Who Would Jesus Torture Why are some born again Christians so quick to ignore the clearest of the teachings of the Prince of Peace?…
September 18, 2006 The Catwalk Finds God The Catwalk Finds God It used to be that cutting edge work for aspiring young ministers was to go out into a mission field…
July 21, 2006 President Bush on Stem Cell Research Bush’s Stem Cell Veto: What’s Wrong With This Picture? Using “snowflake” babies as weapons in our culture war is hitting below the belt….
June 30, 2006 Superman Returns A Real Victory for Truth, Justice and the American Way! I look forward to viewing and reviewing Superman Returns over the holiday weekend. In…
June 11, 2006 A Letter to the Pope Benedict XVI, Rouse Yourself! Tissa Balasuriya, a progressive Roman Catholic theologian from Sri Lanka, has often been at odds with the leadership of his…
April 20, 2006 Earth Day Earth Day 2006 Religious leaders and communities of faith across the US are celebrating Earth Day this week in a variety of ways, including…
April 1, 2006 Immigration and the Church The Archbishop Got It Right Immigration legislation already passed by the House would make it a crime to give a meal or provide emergency…
October 7, 2005 Is Bird Flu a Sign of the End? Does a Bird Flu Pandemic Foreshadow the End of the World? Some are predicting the end is near; others are banking on it. Let’s…